
Client: My Cupid
My Role: Illustrator | Story Teller | Learning to Love

Cupid on Assignment

These short stories or visual poetry, walk you through a thought or feeling. I like to think of them like what my songs would look like, if I were a singer.

Cupid & Innocence Wine

The wine label mockup shows possible application for this drawing / story.

Cupid & Innocence Wine:

The wine label mockup shows possible application for this drawing / story.

Cupid on Assignment:

These short stories or visual poetry, walk you through a thought or feeling. I like to think of them like what my songs would look like, if I were a singer.

Nailed it!

My kids like the show Nailed It. The chefs make these incredible cakes, that look like castles or movie stars that apparently also taste amazing. Then the novice chef attempts to make the cake. At the end of each show there is a winner. No matter what that winning cake looks like, droopy castles, ugly movie stars. They always say with confidence, "Nailed it!". My cupid claims the same confident hoot, "Yep, Nailed it!"


Kindess and love don't look the way I expect them to. Sometimes it's a complete miss. Sometimes I really don't want to celebrate Halloween or Christmas.


If you look closely, we are all smiling. Willing, grateful targets of Cupids death blows. The gore and imagary of Cupids arrow sums up quite vividly how it feels to get shot. Umm, thanks?


Bunnies are some of the cutest sweetest looking animals on the planet. They are soft and look so cuddly. If you have ever tried to hold a rabbit, you know they don't like it and will let you know. Now that sweet little thing, hippity hops through a puddle of blood. Looking far less innocent than when he had nothing on his paws.

Still Innocent

So then the quesiton of innocence. Once we have walked by a wound. Seen the blood on our paws. Are we still...innocent?

Low Blow Cupid

I never saw that coming.

Nice Shot Cupid.

Now what?


It’s sticky, messy, sweet. It glows and glistens in the sun. It pours slowly in giant glops, glisenting blobs almost too pretty to eat. More healthy in small drop or spoonfuls, but so tasty and sticky its difficult to choose between pouring large amounts down my throat or pouring it all over my hands and watching my figers stick together. I gulp it down and glow. Roll around in it and get all stcikey and sweet. Pour it everyere and let my bear have as much of it as he wants. I draw cupid's arrows with honey or blood? All of us want love and run from it at the same time. We are longing and scared. We give and take away. We want more, then feel sick from it. The blood in my veins is like honey now, full with love.